Flight Sim Wiki

Nagasaki Airport is an airport located in Japan.

Simulator availability[]


This asset is available in the following simulators.

Sim Icon-Ware-Included  Icon-Ware-Payware  Icon-Ware-Freeware  Anvil icon
FS2020 2
XP11 1 1
P3D 1 1
XP10 1
FSX 1 2 1
FS2004 1 1 1

Package listing

The following packages are either included in the base sim or available for purchase/download. Note that the inclusion of packages below is not an endorsement of quality or fitness. Potential buyers are highly encouraged to research payware packages through reviews, videos, or other means before purchasing.

Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020) [edit]
License Type Creator Notes
Icon-Ware-Included Included Icon compass Hand-crafted Asobo
Icon-Ware-Included Included Icon robot Procedural Asobo

X-Plane 11 [edit]
License Type Creator Notes
Icon-Ware-Included Included Icon compass Hand-crafted Community @X-Plane Gateway
Icon-Ware-Freeware Freeware Icon compass Hand-crafted qfmusiq @X-Plane.org

Prepar3D v4-v5[edit]
License Type Creator Notes
Icon-Ware-Included Included Icon robot Procedural Microsoft
Icon-Ware-Payware Payware Icon compass Hand-crafted PACSIM
  • v4 only

X-Plane 10 [edit]
License Type Creator Notes
Icon-Ware-Included Included Icon robot Procedural Laminar Research @X-Plane Gateway
  • 2D model only

Microsoft Flight Simulator X / Prepar3D v1-v3[edit]
License Type Creator Notes
Icon-Ware-Included Included Icon robot Procedural Microsoft
Icon-Ware-Payware Payware Icon compass Hand-crafted Wing Creation
Icon-Ware-Payware Payware Icon compass Hand-crafted PACSIM
Icon-Ware-Freeware Freeware Icon compass Hand-crafted Macha.Kato @AVSIM

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 [edit]
License Type Creator Notes
Icon-Ware-Included Included Icon robot Procedural Microsoft
Icon-Ware-Payware Payware Icon compass Hand-crafted MFSG @SimMarket
Icon-Ware-Freeware Freeware Icon compass Hand-crafted Tom Clayton Jr @AVSIM

Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020)[]


World Update I: Japan (WU1) (2020-09-29):