Flight Sim Wiki

This article is about the 3rd generation manufactured from 2010 to present. For the 1st generation 747, including the -100, -SP, -200, and -300 models manufactured 1970-1990, see Boeing 747. For the 2nd generation manufactured from 1989-2005, see Boeing 747-400.

The Boeing 747-8 is a wide-body jet airliner manufactured by The Boeing Company.


The 747 was first conceived in the 1960s, as Boeing's proposed entry for a U.S. Air Force study into supersized strategic transport aircraft. The wide-body commercial airliner would eventually enter public service with Pan Am World Airways in 1970, where it was dubbed the industry's first 'Jumbo Jet' and would go on to hold the passenger capacity record for 37 years.

After decades exploring larger-capacity versions, in 2004 Boeing announced the 747 Advanced – a stretched model they officially designated as the 747-8 a year later, with a Freighter variant (747-8F) for cargo launching in October Freighter variant (747-8F) for cargo launching in October 2011, and an Intercontinental variant (747-81) for passengers taking flight with Lufthansa in June 2012.

As an evolution of the 747-400, the 747-8 refines and upgrades its predecessor's engines, at the same time utilizing extensive cockpit technology from the 787 Dreamliner. The result is a high-tech, low-weight powerhouse designed for increased performance, reduced noise, and ultra low emissions – a design further improved by a thoroughly re-imagined wing system that decreases wake turbulence and drag, boosting fuel economy, range, and overall aerodynamics.

With its super-jumbo-jet size and 60 years worth of engineering maturity, the 747-8 could easily seem far-removed from its origins. But one look at its silhouette andthe lineage shines through, in the elegant curves of its the lineage shines through, in the elegant curves of its double-decker form that make it one of the most recognizable planes in the world, forever worthy of the graceful nickname bestowed on the first of its line: 'Queen of the Skies'.
~ Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020) on its hangar description

Simulator availability[]


This asset is available in the following simulators.

Sim Icon-Ware-Included  Icon-Ware-Payware  Icon-Ware-Freeware  Anvil icon
XP12 1
FS2020 1 3
XP11 1
P3D 1
FS2004 1

Package listing

The following packages are either included in the base sim or available for purchase/download. Note that the inclusion of packages below is not an endorsement of quality or fitness. Potential buyers are highly encouraged to research payware packages through reviews, videos, or other means before purchasing.

X-Plane 12 [edit]
License Variant Creator Notes
Icon-Ware-Payware Payware 747-8i Supercritical & VMAX @X-Plane.org

Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020) [edit]
License Variant Creator Notes
Icon-Ware-Included Included 747-8i Asobo
  • Included in all editions
Icon-Ware-Freeware Freeware 747-8i (mod) Salty Simulations @GitHub
  • Realism mod
Icon-Ware-Freeware Freeware 747-8i (mod) KAiRi @Flightsim.to
  • Autopilot and flight model
Icon-Ware-Freeware Freeware 747-8i Rifle88 @Flightsim.to
  • Pink (missing) texture fix

X-Plane 11 [edit]
License Variant Creator Notes
Icon-Ware-Payware Payware 747-8i Supercritical & VMAX @X-Plane.org

Prepar3D v4-v5[edit]
License Variant Creator Notes
Icon-Ware-Payware Payware 747-8i PMDG
  • Expansion. 747-400 base package required.

Microsoft Flight Simulator X / Prepar3D v1-v3[edit]
License Variant Creator Notes
Icon-Ware-Freeware Freeware
  • 747-8i
  • 747-8F
POSKY, luchoals, et. al. @Rikoooo
Icon-Ware-Freeware Freeware unspecified AFS-design

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 [edit]
License Variant Creator Notes
Icon-Ware-Freeware Freeware unspecified AFS-design

Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020)[]


The Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental is featured in the following activities.

Included liveries[]

The following liveries accompany the included Asobo model at no additional cost.



World Update X: USA (WU10) (2022-06-14):

Sim Update X (SU10) (2022-09-20):

  • RTO does not disable after a full stop on runway anymore
  • Altitude callout now takes landing gear into account

World Update IX: Italy & Malta (WU9) (2022-05-17):

Sim Update IX (SU9) (2022-04-26):

  • Fixed the RTC for the Robin DR400 and the Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental
  • Corrected an issue that caused the aircraft to spawn with the AP disabled when spawning in flight
  • Corrected an issue that prevented the steering wheel from being moveable while the plane is not moving
  • Fixed FMA initial state
  • Fixed TO/GA button effect on A/T
  • Fixed wrong flaps position animation

World Update VIII: Iberia (WU8) (2022-03-24):

Sim Update VIII (SU8) (2022-03-01):

  • The user can set the minimums (barometric or radio) and the audio cue "minimums" will be triggered when reaching the corresponding altitude
  • Ground speed displays only when switching speed mode to MACH
  • Corrected flaperon dropping on takeoff
  • Track line on ND is now displayed in expanded view
  • Speedbrake lever behavior correction
  • Fix RNAV approaches not displayed after a flight restart & fix autotune of ILS approach when selecting an airport as arrival without selecting any approach
  • BFMC NavRad minor label fix
  • Waypoints can be inserted into FlightPlan in LEGS page
  • Cabin windows icing improved
  • Some knob animation issues fixed
  • Spoilers animations fixed
  • Fixed some issues on textures/decals
  • Airframe LODs 2 and 3 improved
  • Exterior lights on LOD 5 added
  • SYS FAULT stays illuminated even if overhead lighting is set to off
  • Fixed various lights behavior
  • Fix ILS indicators on PFD to match the display of the Boeing 787-10
  • Corrected an issue that would cause some lights to light up the top of the aircraft when the landing gear was retracted

Sim Update VII (SU7) (2021-11-18):

  • MCDU now supports waypoint insertion on Leg page

Sim Update VI (SU6) (2021-10-19):

  • Minor fix in the way ILS frequencies are displayed in the Boeing FMC
  • Minor fix in the way flaps are displayed in the Boeing FMC
  • Fixed Boeing flaps behaviour at handle 9
  • Fixed a bug with the Thrustmaster TCA Yoke Boeing Edition failing to toggle "hold" AP modes
  • Fixed an icing art issue
  • Fixed rain on both interior and exterior
  • Added geometry when reverse thrust is on
  • Fixed cockpit camera collision
  • Fixed occurrence of autopilot failing to capture GS
  • Fixed external HUD airspeed with cockpit airspeed
  • External HUD airspeed tapes now have speed ranges similar to cockpit tapes
  • Fixed minor display issue on FMC legs page
  • PFD airspeed now displays speed for current and next flap setting in approach

World Update VI: Germany/Austria/Switzerland (WU6) (2021-09-07):

Sim Update V (SU5) (2021-07-27):

  • New livery set available: Aviator Club Xbox

World Update V: Nordics Europe (WU5) (2021-06-17):

Sim Update III (SU3) (2021-03-09):

  • LNAV and VNAV does longer engages automatically when activating the Autopilot
  • TO/GA is no longer always engaged on start
  • Autopilot expects an altitude intervention before it begins changing altitude
  • Corrected an issue causing the AutoStart sequence to activate the batteries later than expected
  • Enabled the option to push the backup baro knob to set it in Standard Altitude mode
  • Corrected some emissive elements staying active when they should be off
  • Corrected issue on the checklist which caused the step to activate all fuel pumps to not properly validate on some airports

Sim Update II (SU2) (2020-12-22):

  • Fixed limit markers on N1 gauges
  • Fixed missing ILS frequency set when starting a flight on arrival
  • Removed dashes displayed in the N2 value field when engines are not started
  • Fixed OAT indication in FMC perf INIT page
  • Fixed missing trim numeric value displayed on EICAS
  • Fixed wrong knob controlling FMC brightness
  • Fixed current Mach and target Mach values on speed tape not matching
  • Fixed IAS/MACH speed window on MCP remaining displayed when VNAV mode is engaged
  • Fixed various issues with landing gear model
  • Fixed missing EGT red start limit on EICAS
  • Fixed N2 green bar missing on EICAS during start sequence
  • Fixed incorrect start mode indications on EICAS during start sequence
  • Fixed incorrect stabilizer trim green band placement on EICAS
  • Fixed incorrect spoilers deploying during turns
  • Fixing issues with the plane flying above the glideslope in certain conditions
  • Fixed incorrect climb rate after take-off with VNAV enabled
  • Fixed too high fuel consumption
  • Fixed AP incorrectly tracking knots instead of Mach after Mach switch
  • Fixed missing command N1 indicator bar on EICAS
  • Fixed backup baro knob not switching to standard altitude when pressed
  • Fixed missing heater switch on copilot side
  • Fixed N1 slight oscillations
  • Fixed max rudder values to 10 instead of 35
  • Fixed compass model not matching reality
  • Fixed EEC switches incorrect default state
  • Fixed plane leveling off too early before reaching target altitude
  • Fixed flaps and slats deployment and retraction logics
  • Fixed switching to descent phase too early and corresponding managed speeds
  • Fixed Gross Weight field in FMC PERF INIT page
  • Fixed impossibility to set Zero Fuel Weight and reserve values in FMC PERF INIT page
  • Tweaked fuel flow when throttle is adjusted
  • Increased suspensions viscosity

World Update II: USA (WU2) (2020-11-24):

  • Fuel consumption issue fixed

Update 5 (2020-10-29):

  • Improved autopilot behavior for pitch management, altitude capture and stability

World Update I: Japan (WU1) (2020-09-29):

  • Fixed wrong approach VREF speeds
  • Known issue: autopilot switches to FLCH mode instead of catching the glideslope
  • Known issue: autopilot switches to VNAV mode on take-off even if VNAV is not used by the pilot

Patch (2020-09-16):

  • Rear wheels steering has been fixed
  • Pressing the battery button now always display the ON part
  • Improved flaps deployment and retraction sequences
  • FMC now allows to activate approach without going to route page
  • Approach VREF speeds are fixed.
  • Empty rectangles no longer displayed on the FMA.
  • Runways are now displayed in correct order in the FMC.
  • Cruise altitude no longer automatically filled in the FMC.

Closed beta (2020-07-28):

Alpha 5 (2020-06-11):

  • Vertical Speed was not behaving as expected and would cause the plane to climb and descend erratically
  • Using ALT mode would still allow control of the vertical speed selection
  • Fixed animation issues with the wheels
  • Fixed that, when spawning the aircraft, the front wheel would sometimes spawn in the air
  • FLT number now uses up to 7 characters as expected
  • Overspeed warning no longer announces when under the cruise speed
  • Speed protections are now working
  • Auto throttle was not reaching the target speed during a climb
  • Worked on aircraft overshooting turns when following the flight plan
  • The check list is no longer missing the steps that enable the engine generators
  • Adjusting the trim was having no effect in flight

Alpha 4 (2020-06-11):

  • Transversal fixes

Alpha 3 hotfix 1 (2020-05-28):

  • Cockpit interior updated

Alpha 3 (2020-05-14):

  • Officially available in the simulator


Sim Airplanes by simulator availability Airplanes by source
XP12: All Included Payware Freeware In development Included Third-party
FGFS2020.3LTS: All Included Freeware In development Included Third-party Launcher
FS2020: All Included Payware Freeware In development Included Third-party Marketplace
XP11: All Included Payware Freeware In development Included Third-party
DCS: All Included Payware Freeware In development Included Third-party Marketplace
P3D: All Included Payware Freeware In development Included Third-party
XP10: All Included Payware Freeware Included Third-party
FSX: All Included Payware Freeware Included Third-party
FS2004: All Included Payware Freeware Included Third-party